Get-Together July
  • CONSTITUTIO meets Swiss Society Bangkok - Filmvortrag von Dominic Büttner and Maja Peter - see more >>>>>
Jass Tournier
  • Jass Tournier in der Brasserie 9. Klicken Sie hier für die Bilder und den Bericht: >>>>
Get-Together 18 Juni 2024
  • Wer träumte nicht schon mal auf einem grossen Schiff die Welt zu bereisen. Kurt Ulrich erfüllte sich diesen Traum und fuhr auf einem Frachter von Italien nach Singapore. Lesen sie hier seine abenteuerliche Geschichte: >>>>
Pattaya Ausflug 25/26 Mai
  • Besuch des Weltraummuseums in Siracha und der Insel Koh Sichang. Bericht 🇩🇪 🇬🇧>>>>
Get-Together 24 May 2024
  • 24 members and friends of the SSB metfor a cosy get-together with an emotianal speech by Rolf Rüegg about the «Stop Human Trafficking and Child Abuse Center» in Pattaya at the Casa Pascal restaurant in Pattaya. read more: 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 >>>>>
Mother's Day 2024
  • A pleasant Sunday afternoon at the Blue Parrot for the children and their parents
Get-Together 23 April 2024
  • Our President moderated a panel discussion about the future program of the SSB followed by a fine dinner at Restaurant Chesa.
Jass Tournier 30.03.2024
  • Unser 1. Jass Tournier dieses Jahr fand mit 16 Spielerinnen und Spieler in der Brasserie 9 statt. Diesmal gewann Markus Ruprecht das Tournier vor Lydia Rüehli und H.P. Feer >>>>>
Get-Together 19 March 2024
  • More than thirty SSB members and guests, including His Excellency the Indonesian Ambassador, Mr....
AGM 2024
  • Report and photos of the Annual General Meeting 2024 (AGM 2024) which took place on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at the JW Marriott Hotel in Bangkok.
Get-Together 20 February 2024
  • PEARLS of THAILAND - Treasures off the beaten track - Slide show by René Meyer
Get-Together 16 Jan 2024
  • New regulations about taxation of foreign source income - presentation by Martin Liebenow, Tax Director & Head of German Desk at MAZARS - Link to Presentation >>>>
Get-Together December
  • Christmas Dinner at the Chesa >>>
Jass Tournier 16.12.23
  • Unser 4. Jass Tournier fand mit 20 Spielerinnen und Spieler in der Brasserie 9 statt. Stefan Kuhn gewann das Tournier knapp vor Marco Rudin. >>>>>
Christmas Brunch
  • On Sunday, the 10th of December a bunch of Swiss Society members and their friends joined for the pre-Christmas, with or without children, in order to receive the greetings and wishes from Santa Claus directly and to enjoy the famous Buffet of the Brasserie 9 at Sathorn soi 6. >>>>>> EN, DE
Raclette Party
  • Rund 200 Personen nahmen an der SSB Raclette Party auf der Schweizer Botschaft am 25 November bei idealem Wetter und toller Stimmung teil. Lesen Sie den Bericht und klicken Sie sich durch die Fotogalerie ---- Visit our photo gallery >>>>
Get-Together 21 Nov 2023
  • How becoming an Orientalist by Dr. Gundula Salk - a journey through her life and field research in Central Asia, Turkey, Iran, Mongolia, China and others
Pattaya Weekend
  • Freitag 20. Oktober: Get-Together im Casa Pascal mit einem Vortrag von Esther Kaufmann *** Samstag 21. Oktober: Bootsausflug auf die umliegenden Inseln von Pattaya
Jass Tournier 30. Sept. 2023
  • 20 Spielerinnen und Spieler nahmen am dritten Jassturnier der SSB in diesem Jahr teil. Simon Schmon, Lehrer an der Schweizer Schule, gewann das Turnier überragend.
Get-Together - 19 September 2023
  • Blockchain (R) Revolution by Antonio Mancino
Swiss National Day 2023
  • On 5 August 2023, the traditional National Day celebration of the Swiss Society Bangkok took place on the grounds of the Swiss Embassy. See our report and visit our photo gallery: DE, FR, EN >>>>
Get-Together 18.07.2023
  • Career from Waiter to GM - Presentation by Simon Rindlisbacher. >>>> EN DT FR
Jass-Turnier 1. Juli 2023
  • 12 Spieler versammelten sich zu diesem Turnier in der Brasserie 9. Nach einem fröhlichen Jass-Nachmittag gab es dann noch ein feines Nachtessen. Bericht >>>>
Get-Together - 20 June 2023
  • Secrets to a Healthier Hair - by Dr. Wilawan Damkerngsuntorn, Dermatologist, VitalLife Skin & Aesthetic Center Bumrungrad International Hospital
Thai Fight League @ BEAT Active Arena
  • 04.06.2023: Muay Thai or Thai Boxing is the national sport and cultural martial art of Thailand....
Get Together # 121 on 16 May 2023
  • Gesicherte Krankenversicherung für Auslandschweizer - Postulat eingereicht von NR Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter - Präsentation vom ASO Delegierten Josef Schnyder
SSB Mothers' Day Event
  • On Sunday 14 May, the Swiss Society Bangkok hosted a colorful Mother's Day celebration at the Bl...
Jassturnier 1. April 2023
  • Das Jassturnier fand im gewohnten Rahmen in der Brasserie 9 statt. 16 Spieler kämpften in vier R...
Zopfkurs mit Jacky bakes
  • Einen Butterzop zum Zmorge ist etwas vom Feinsten.  Unter fachkundiger Anleitung von Jacqueline ...
AGM 2023
  • Impressions from the SSB AGM 8 March 2023 at the Holiday Inn Bangkok Sukhumvit (by paparazzo John Hauenstein)
Get Together # 118 on 21 February 2023
  • A journey to Antarctica by Kurt Ulrich
River Kwai Cruise
  • 4 Days Cruise on the River Kwai on a colonial style river cruiser with cultural excursions in the Kanchanaburi region
Get Together # 117 on 17 January 2023
  • AONIC - Development and Deployment of Drones in Agriculture
Get Together #116 Dezember 2022 with Peter Wiesner
  • Tuesday 20th December 2022.40 members attended the last Get Together this year. With an interesting lecture by Peter Wiessner about the DFB Dampfbahn Furka-Bergstrecke. Many thanks to Peter for the very entertaining lecture, the Chesa team, the organizers and of course all members who took part in this wonderful event. Bilder-Übersicht anzeigen
Jass Turnier 17. Dezember 2022
  • 16 Mitglieder der SSB trafen sich am Samstagnachmittag zu einem heiteren Jass Turnier, gefolgt mit einem feinen Nachtessen in der Brasserie 9. Klicken Sie sich hier durch die Bilder, Bericht und Resultate:
SSB Christmas Brunch 2022 On Sunday 11 December 2022
  • 90 members and friends of the Swiss Society Bangkok (65 adults with 25 children and youth) gathered at Brasserie 9, Soi Sathorn 6, for the annual Christmas brunch.
National Museum Bangkok, Special guided tour for members, friends and guests of the Swiss Society Bangkok on Saturday, December 10th 2022
  • Bei strahlendem, aber auch heissem Wetter hatte ich am 10. Dezember das Vergnügen, 23 Mitglieder und Freunde zu einer Führung durch das Nationalmuseum Bangkok zu begrüßen.
Swiss Society Bangkok Raclette Party 2022
  • Saturday 26th November 2022 170 members, friends and guests of the Swiss Society met for the annual Raclette Party in the garden of the Swiss Embassy. Many thanks to 𝗛.𝗘. 𝗣𝗲𝗱𝗿𝗼 𝗭𝘄𝗮𝗵𝗹𝗲𝗻, 𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿-𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 for again allowing us to use the garden of the residence, Conradin Rasi and all the staff, Linus Knobel and Khun Direk with their team from Gourmet Primo, the organisers from the SSB board Josef Schnyder, Sacha Bürgi and Christian Brunner, in particular Khun Ink, Khun Nok, Gundula and Paul Salk as well as Guido, who stood in for us at short notice due to illness, and of course all our members and guests who contributed to this wonderful evening.
Special Event, Q & A Session with Laurent Perriard Deputy Director General Consular Affairs.
  • Monday 21 November 2022, 30 members met at the Chesa Restaurant for an interesting Q & A session with Laurent Perriard
Get - Together #115 SSB monthly meeting of November 2022
  • On Tuesday, 15th of November 2022, 16 members of the Swiss Society Bangkok came to the monthly gathering to Swiss restaurant Chesa in Sukhumvit soi 20.
Jass Turnier 1. Oktober 2022
  • Drittes Jass Turnier in der Brasserie 9
Get Together #113 Tue 20th September 2022
  • At September's Get-together monthly meeting we were 15 members and 2 guests who followed the presentation of Pastor Carsten Körber before the dinner was served in Swiss Restaurant Chesa
731. Schweizer Nationalfeiertag, 731ème Fête Nationale Suisse , 731th Swiss National Day
  • Saturday, 30 July 2022 BBQ Garden Party at the residence of the Swiss Embassy
Get Together #110 dtd 21 June 2022
  • Talks by Gilles Logelin about the Concorde crash in Paris Charles-de Gaulle on 25 July 2000.21 m...
Get Together #109 17 May 2022
  • Tuesday 17 May 2022; 16 members met for the May Get Together at Chesa. with Guest Speaker Pornsan Watanangura
Jass Turnier 23. April 2022
  • Am 23. April fand in der Brasserie 9 das zweite SSB-Jass Turnier statt. 12 Spieler kämpften in vier Runden mit je zehn Jass um wertvolle Punkte.
Get Together 19 April 2022
  • Tuesday 19 April 2022 eight members met for the April Get Together at Chesa
AGM 2022 and 90 year Anniversary Party
  • Swiss Society Bangkok - AGM 2022 and 90-Years Anniversary Party Bangkok, 26.3.2022 Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok
Get Together 15 March 2022
  • 15 March 2022 The first monthly Get Together in 2022. Living conditions on our planet are changing. Should we rethink our relationship with the Earth?
Swiss Society Bangkok Jass Tournament #1 2022
  • On the first places Emmanuel with over 200 points ahead of his pursuers Reini and Markus, the best lady was Regina and this time the consolation prize went to Josef B.
Get Together 21 December 2021
  • Tuesday 21 December 2021 at Chesa Bangkok 25 Members and Guest at our last Event in 2021.
Excursion to Khao Yai / Ausflug nach Khao Yai
  • 3-day trip to Toscana Valley with wine tasting at GranMonte Winery and opening ceremony of Thai-Swiss Friendship Trail in Khao Yai National Park / 3-tägiger Ausflug ins Toscana Valley mit Weindegustation auf dem Weingut GranMonte und Eröffnungszeremonie des Thai-Schweizer Friendshiptrails im Khao Yai National Park
Swiss Society Bangkok Christmas Brunch 2021 Brasserie 9
  • Christmas brunch 2021 75 persons, 51 adults with 24 children had registered for the SSB Christmas brunch 2021 at the newly reopened Brasserie 9, Sathorn soi 6 on Sunday, 12th of December. It started around 11 a.m. with chatting, discussing, refreshing, or making new connections among the adults, playing and discovering toys and new friends in the playroom for the children.
Swiss Society Bangkok Raclette Evening 2021
  • Will it take place? Can it be organized in this difficult year? This question was discussed a bit anxiously within the board of the SSB in its meetings in September and again in early November 2021. In September, the decision was taken to cancel because of corona restrictions still in place. However, the changes of early November let us come back on the decision and, with the green light given by our ambassador, and the positive, encouraging response of Linus Knobel, managing director of BAC and caterer Gourmet Primo, we decided to go ahead with the organization of this traditional event.
„The 90th Anniversary Friendship Railway“ Visit to the stamp exhibition at the Samsen-Nai Philatelic Museum
  • After all, five members and two guests met early in the morning at the BTS station Saphan Kway, the Samsen-Nai Philatelic Museum is only a few meters away.
Monthly Get-together#103 November 2021 at Chesa Bangkok
  • Tuesday 14 November 2021, Chesa Bangkok 26 Members and Friends of the Swiss Society Bangkok met for the first get-together after the long Covid break with the two guest speakers Conradin Rasi and Matteo Fetz from the Swiss Embassy on the topic: The activities of the Swiss Embassy Bangkok in the field of political and human rights and small grant projects in the region.
Swiss Society Bangkok AGM 24 March 2021 Arnoma Grand Bangkok
  • Impressionen rund um die Jahresversammlung 2021 (English version scroll down)
Monthly Get-together of December 2020
  • “ Relations between Switzerland and Thailand " One week later as initially planned, 44 members of the SSB joined the Christmas dinner at the Swiss restaurant Chesa at Sukhumvit soi 20.
Swiss Society Bangkok, Christmas Brunch 2020, Brasserie 9
  • Weihnachts-Brunch mit "Samichlaus" am Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2020 (English version scroll down)
Raclette Event 2020
  • Swiss Society Raclette Party - Samstag, 28. November 2020 Schweizer Botschaft Bangkok
Annual General Meeting, Wednesday 14 October 2020 Sofitel Sukhumvit Hotel Bangkok
  • Wednesday October 14th 2020, 86 Members and Guests of the Swiss Society Bangkok met for the postponed Annual General Meeting at the Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit.
Get Together #89 Chesa with Pedro Basabe
  • Get Together #89, Tue 15 Sep 2020, ASEAN Committee for Disaster Management by Pedro Basabe
Pattaya Weekend mit Tour zum Silverlake Wineyard am 18./19. Januar 2020
  • Surprise Weekend mit Tour zum Silverlake Wineyard am 18./19. Januar 2020 (English version scroll...
Get Together #81 Pattaya mit Pierre Chabloz
  • Pattaya  Get Together #81, 17.02.20 mit  Referat von Generalkonsul Pierre Chabloz (English versi...
Get Together #80 Hearing Aids
  • Präsentation Josef SchnyderInfo Material :brochure_btbtc_roger_028-1820.pdfInformation_Booklet_B...
Christmas Brunch 2019 with Santa Claus / Weihnachtsbrunch 2019 mit Samichlaus
  • Christmas Brunch 2019 (English version scroll back)Rund um den Christmas Brunch … oder …einfach ...
Raclette Zeit im Garten der Residenz der Botschafterin, Samstag, 23. November 2019
  • SSB Raclette 2019 - AUSVERKAUFTMit allen Plätzen reserviert und einer Warteliste zeichnete sich ...
Get Together #79 Schoggi Quiz
  • Get Together #79 Schoggi Quiz 
Joint Event with STCC, Site Tour HÄFELE Logistic Center and Design Studio Bangkok
  • Besichtigung HÄFELE Logistikcenter und Design Studio Bangkok Freitag, 20. September 2019 (Engli...
Get Together #77 Sacha Bürgi Smart Homes
  • What is Smart Home , Today's devices, systems and possibilitiesPresentation Smart Homes
Get Together # 76 Nathalie Wandel GIZ in Asia
  • German-Swiss cooperation: The development projects and goals of GIZ in Asia
728. Nationalfeiertag der Schweiz in Bangkok 2019
  • Über 1000 Gäste feierten den 728. Nationalfeiertag der Schweiz in Bangkok!(Please find the Engli...
Dan Sai - 5-Tage Reise in die Natur und zum Phi Ta Khon Ghost Festival 4 - 8 July 2019
  • Dan Sai - 5-Tage Reise in die Natur und zum Phi Ta Khon Ghost Festival  Eine kleine Gruppe der ...
Get Together # 74 Mathias Greger *** A brief history of DKSH in Thailand ***
  •   ***  A brief history of DKSH in Thailand ***
Get Together #73 Clubdesk und SSB Webseite
  • Was bietet Clubdesk für die Swiss Society BangkokWebseite der Swiss Society BangkokWas bietet Cl...
Annual General Meeting, 13 March 2019, Hotel Rembrandt, Bangkok
  • Annual General Meeting, 13 March 2019, Hotel Rembrandt, Bangkok Deutsche Version nachstehendThe ...
70th Get-Together on 25 February 2019 Ivo Sieber 3 Years as Ambassador in Thailand A Look Back and Ahead
  • 70th SSB Get-Together on 25 February 2019 Ivo Sieber 3 Years as Ambassador in Thailand A Look Back and Ahead  
Lunch Event JW Marriott , Dr. Marc Faber , 21 Feb 2019, Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been?
  •  Dr. Marc Faber, one of the highest regarded investment experts among the investor community and...
Photostory Wine Harvest Festival Khao Yai
  • Wine Harvest Festival Khao Yai 201911 Members 19.02.08-10._Khao-Yai.pdfSSB Wine Weekend Khao Yai...
Presentation Mr.Loo
  • Get Together #69 Chesa 22 Januar 2019
Lunch with Maria Theresia Zwyssig (Thesi) at the Arnoma Hotel in Bangkok
  • Lunch with Maria Theresia Zwyssig (Thesi) at the Arnoma Hotel in BangkokFrom the Kiental in the ...
Presentation Knut Sierotzki
  • Get Together #68 18 Dezember 2018 mit Knut Sierotzki School Extension Project 
Christmas Brunch 2018 Sunday 9 Dec 2018
  • Christmas Brunch on 9 December 2018Exclusive Interview with Santa Claus / deutsche Version unten...
Elephant Festival Surin 15 to 18 November 2018
  • Elephant Festival Surin 15 – 18 November 2018(für deutsche Version nach unten scrollen)Our journ...
Nationalfeiertag 2018
  • Samstag - Saturday, 04.08.2018 English text: please see below.412 Gäste davon 39 Kinder und 15 J...
Presentation Basic Computer Security
  • Get Together # 63  Chesa   23 Members and Guests
Guided tour of RONDA plant closed to Bangkok on 12 June 2018
  • Guided tour of RONDA plant closed to Bangkok on 12 June 2018The members of the Swiss Society Ban...
Marigot Jewellery Ayutthaya 6 Feb 2018
  • 18_02_06_Marigot-Story high Qual.pdf6 February 2018 – Visit at Marigot Jewelery Ltd -Swarovski 2...
Christmas Brunch with Samichlaus 19.12.2017 Brasserie 9
  • The SSB members met for their traditional Christmas Brunch, one month after the scheduled opening of the Brasserie 9 at the new address in Bangkok.
Jassen #2 at Rembrandt Bangkok
  • 16 Jass addicts joint for the 2nd Jass Tournament December 2nd at the Rembrandt Hotel.
Story from Raclette-Time, Saturday 25th November 2017
  • Traumdaten; 94 - 40 – 63 94 SSB Member, 40 kg Kartoffel, 63 Non-Member gut gemischt mit 32 kg Kä...
Raclette Time on Saturday, 25 November 2017
  • Dream Measurements  94 - 40 – 63 94 SSB members, 40 kg potatoes, 63 non-members - all well mixed...
2017-10-10 , Myanmar, your unknown neighbour: Past – Politics - Perspectives
  • Paul Seger - Swiss Chamber of commerce-edited.pdfJoint-Business Luncheon, on Tuesday 10th Octobe...
2017-09-21, Bangkok Air Catering
  • Excursion of SSB to Bangkok Air Catering (BAC) on 21st September 2017 The fully booked SSB excur...
2017-09-30, Visit to Swiss School Bangkok
  • Roughly 30 people visited the panel discussion on "Different School Systems for German-Speaking ...
Get Together #54 ASO
  • Again full house at the Swiss Restaurant Chesa on October 17th 2017
Gastreferent Dr. Remo Gysin, Präsident der Auslandschweizerorganisation ASO
  • Die „Swiss Society Bangkok” hat am 30. September den rund 90 anwesenden Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger zu einem Mittagessen mit Gastreferent Dr. Remo Gysin, Präsident der Auslandschweizerorganisation ASO, eingeladen.